Sunday 6 March 2016

Cultural Preservation

Explain how your reading of 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, impacted your views on cultural preservation.


  1. This impacted my views on the preservation of culture because I understood that our culture in Dominica mostly came from West Africa. Ones culture is their identity and it displays where they came from. The Anansi stories are widely known today because of our ancestors that were taken to the West Indies who narrated the stories to their people. Our culture must be preserved because it must be transmitted to the next generations so that they would know about their culture and where they came from.

  2. After reading 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, my views on cultural preservation have changed a bit. Before reading the book, I knew the importance of preserving our culture, bit this book has emphasized that. Our culture should be kept so that long after our elders die, the culture lives on through the generations after them to enjoy, share and carry on. If we forget our culture, it would be like forgetting our history and losing a part of ourselves at the same time. Imagine if our grandparents, great-grandparents and those before them had forgotten about their culture and did not preserve it, fast forward to the present day it would not be our culture because there would be no culture to enjoy and call our own. I have an obligation to my country and heritage as well to preserve my culture, so that no matter how far I migrate, I will always have a connection to my country and people.

  3. Before reading 'Anansi' I did not care much about my culture. Reading 'Anansi' has made me realize that my culture is supposed to be kept alive and preserved. West Africa and the Caribbean has a very lively and entertaining culture. It is filled with singing, dancing, dressing in special wears and most importantly telling folklore to one another. The older Africans on the ships always kept their culture alive by telling the younger people the Anansi stories. Our culture must be preserved in order for the generations, later on, to know where they came from. If you do not know where you came from then you will not know where you are going.

  4. Through reading Anansi, i have learnt that cultural preservation is key. Our Dominican culture is a special entity that we should know and love. Our culture unifies us as a people and our patois,cultural dances, folk tales and songs are unique and ours, no other country can emulate Dominica’s culture. Through our cultural dances and cultural groups, communities gather and educate the youth on our culture. Through folktales and stories we learn and remember the past, or ancestors and enjoy ourselves. The Creole Patois is something everyone should know about and we should be talking Patois to each other on a regular basis. We should be proud of ourselves to have created our own language, a language indigenous to us West Indians. Yet the amount of young people speaking patois diminishes each year. Our parents and grand-parents often converse in patois and we have no clue of what they are saying. It is our responsibility to find a way to learn patois, learn and dance our cultural dances (bele, quadrille , heel and toe) wear our national dress proudly and listen and pass on folktales to one another in order to keep our culture alive and to be able to preserve the Dominican culture for the next generation of Dominicans. Our culture identifies us as a people and helps us stand out from the crowd, without it we are no different from everyone else and we begin to forget who we are and who we should become.
    We are responsible for culture preservation , here in Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean.

  5. Reading Anansi, showed me how important our culture is, and that we should keep our culture instead of straying away from it. Our culture is important, because it is a part of our identity, without it we can not truly be ourselves. This why we need to preserve our culture.
    Nowadays younger people are not that interested in their own culture, this could be because they aren't educated enough about it. In order to preserve our culture, older generations need to educate younger generations about their culture, so that it can be passed on to future generations. To persevere our culture, we all need to embrace it. Some people act like as if their culture is below them, they would rather be a part of someone else's culture. Although immersing yourself in a different culture is not a bad thing, you still need to know how to embrace your own. Speak Creole, eat paleau, tell a folktale, sing a Creole song, love your own culture. A country without culture is no country at all

  6. My views have definitely been impacted. Before, I thought my culture was boring and old. I now have a deeper appreciation and pride for my Culture and History. Appreciation for all my ancestors went through to get me where I am today. All the suffering and pain should not go to waste. I would be a fool not to at least acknowledge my culture. We are the future, it is up to us to learn our culture and be a part of it. All that fighting for freedom and rights and justice had to mean something, right? A new sense of pride for my race. That the Africans didn't just submit. They fought until death for their rights and culture. Why should I ignore that? Why should us? Is it because we are ashamed? Well not me, I am a proud AFRICAN.

  7. Culture preservation is maintaining the customs, arts, and achievements of a nation, country or group within its original state. Even before reading Anansi, I knew cultural preservation was important. However, Anansi opened my eyes to how important it was, I learnt that preserving culture gives us identity.
    Culture gives a huge part of our identity and cultural preservation is key to know who we are. Without culture we would just be a mass of people with no history and no differences. Differences showcase our strengths and weaknesses. Through our culture we learn to honor the many people who have died before us. Culture preservation gives you something to feel proud about and we should always preserve our culture. Culture is like our mothers and fathers. When we do not know who our parents are we feel as if we do not know ourselves. Just like our parents, when we do not know our culture we do not fully know ourselves.
    Preserving culture can be done in many ways. One way to preserve culture is to read online and tell other people. Reading online, gives you knowledge about your culture and telling other people spreads it around. In Anansi, when the slaves are in the hold, they form a web by telling each other stories and singing songs. This is an example of culture preservation. Another way to preserve culture, is to take part in traditional activities. This can mean dancing in cultural festivals, singing in festive activities and telling stories. You may not realize it, but this a part of preserving culture. Preserving culture can simply mean going to historic places and learning the area's history.
    From reading Anansi, I understand that culture preservation is key if we are to be good citizens. Our culture can be our shield during rough times and culture can give us identity. After reading Anansi, I strictly believe that culture preservation is needed in every country.

  8. After reading Alistair Campbell’s ‘Anansi’, my views on cultural preservation changed drastically. After scrutinizing and paying close attention to the play, I have understood why countries stress the need for the preservation of culture.

    Culture is the way of life of a people. Without culture, people’s lives become void and meaningless. Culture signifies a common bond among people. In the play, the Africans tried to preserve their culture through the telling of stories (oral tradition). Their main aim for doing so was to ensure that their homeland, Africa, was not forgotten. The Africans felt separated from their spiritual deities and other aspects of culture. However, they were able to preserve their beliefs through unity, by passing on what they remembered. Culture was what defined the Africans and this example can be attributed to our very own societies.

    Our culture is what enables us to identify with each other. The Anansi stories enabled the Africans to bond with each other. No matter how much the Europeans tried, they could never have a powerful effect on the Africans’ culture. Through our preservation of culture, we not only preserve our identities and heritage but we ensure that we are defended against other outside influences.

    Preservation of our culture ensures that we know who we are and where we come from. It also ensures the passing on of our heritage from generation to generation, as seen by the woman telling stories to the girl.

    Our culture motivates us. Remembrance of aspects of our culture provides us with courage to move on as was granted to the Africans on board the ship.

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  10. After reading this i have learned how important culture is and why we need to preserve it. Before i thought that culture was old and boring but now i know how powerful it is and how much it can impact one's life. Culture is not just about singing, dancing or playing drums and dressing in costumes but it is about embracing who you are and where you came from. It helps you connect with your past and ancestors. If it was not for culture the african race would have been extincted. It was their togetherness, story telling and strong culture that helped them survive the middle passage and slavery that they were forced through. Culture is the reason we are who we are today. It is why the african race is still strong. It is the reason why some places in the world are united and strong. Culture brings us together and strengthens us. It motivates us and prevents us from making mistakes from the past. If our culture is not preserved or practiced we will lose the paths we came from and be lost and alone. We will be weak and confused not knowing anything from our history. Believe it or not we need culture. It is the one thing that connects our past with our future.

  11. After reading Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi' I realized that culture wasn't just and excuse to party or have more holidays, I learnt that culture preservation is very important and it is one of the main reason why we are where we are today with the many privileges that we have. Culture preservation, I now realize, is very important and should not be taken lightly. Culture is what keeps us united and strong. If our ancestors did not preserve our culture we would not know how hard they fought and the torture they went through to get us to where we am today.
    After reading 'Anansi' I was motivated to never look down on anyone in my community again. I now know that it is better that I join together with the other people around me who share my same culture so that we can all try to keep it alive and strong for the future generations to experience. They should be taught the same things that I learnt, If my ancestors could be that strong and accomplish so much for me, the least I can do is ensure that my culture is kept alive.

  12. Culture preservation is very important because it reinforces how powerful and helpful folklore is. It brings us comfort and helps us maintain our identity. In the play "Anansi", cultural preservation was very essential. It helped the girl overcome the long, horrifying voyage to the Indies. When the woman passed on her Anansi stories, it made the girl stronger and wiser. Although I knew that our culture is very important, I now realize the great need to preserve it. Our culture not only entertains us, but it gives us strength, resilience, knowledge, wisdom and teaches us life lessons and morals. Knowing our culture, gives us our identity. It allows us to use our mind to our helps us work towards our goals and makes us successful.

    In the play, the seemingly simple, amusing Anansi stories that the woman told the girl was her way of preserving their African culture. The stories gave the girl strength, courage and focus to face the terrible ordeal of her enslavement. They taught her to use her mind and wits to overcome any obstacle no matter how terrible and horrifying. Our culture truly strengthens us, and we should try our best to preserve it and pass it on from generation to generation.

  13. Before reading the book 'Anasi' I never bothered myself with my country's culture, because it did not seem too important. But now that I have read 'Anasi' I understand the importance of culture preservation. To preserve culture means to hold on to customs and beliefs from generation to generation, either through speech, writing or activity. I think that preserving culture is important as it distinguishes one country from another, giving one its own identity. Culture defines persons as a group, as a country or individually.

    Without our culture Dominica would be meaningless. Culture is Tue strength of a country. In 'Anansi' the woman preserved the culture of Africa by telling the stories to the little girl.
    Without culture we would net know who we are, where are from or where we will be going. The culture of a country explain s what is happening in the present. Without culture the world would be uninteresting and everyone would be the same. Culture gives reasons to many problems in society. Culture is just as important as breathing. It keeps us going and gives courage when needed.

  14. Before reading 'Anansi' I cared about my culture, but not as much as I do now.
    Reading 'Anansi' made me realize that my culture is supposed to be preserved, our culture gives is our identity. The older Africans on the ships always kept their culture alive by telling the younger ones the Anansi stories. Our culture must be preserved for the generations to come, so that they can know where they are going. Culture preservation is the deliberate act of keeping cultural heritage from the present for the future. Our rich cultural heritage comes from our West African, Carib, French and English influences. Some of us if not most don’t appreciate our culture and adapt most of the things the Americans are trying to brainwash us with. We need to keep our culture alive, dance a little bélé, speak patois. And remember If you do not know where you came from then you will not know where you are going.

  15. Before reading Alistair Campbell 'Anansi' I never bothered our wondered about my culture. I never thought it was that important to me it was lame and boring. After reading 'Anansi' it has made a big impact on me. I now realize how important my culture is. All the dances,folktales,etc. Culture preservation is keeping one heritage alive so that the future generations now who they are. Our culture gives us our identity it separates us from different countries. The Africans did a lot keeping our culture alive even though the were going through hardships. They told stories to remember where they came from and knre that their culture is important. Us black people we must start engaging in our culture and stop trying and be like the Europeans and indulge in their culture. If we do not know only what they are doing is brain washing us. If we just sit down and reflect on our culture we will see how our culture is extraordinary it like no other. We must to realized that our ancestors fought to keep our culture alive and us black people to keep it that way. So the future generation will know who they are and where they came from. So let's start our culture is ours and will forever be ours.

  16. Culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Culture helps you to know your country well. In the book, it talks about togetherness and love. That is why we got Independence. Culture should be very special to us because it tells about how we got Freedom from the Europeans and today we are living free and safe today from the. If we didn't have Culture, we wouldn't have known about our past and our ancestors and what they use to do when they had free time, what kind of songs ands dances they use to do (e.g. Belle). We need to keep those kind of things in our nation today so that when the future children come into this World, it wont go away, but it would stay with them forever and teach them that the country did not just come this way without doing anything, but that it came from our ancestors. We need to appreciate the things that our ancestors brought to us and thought to us.

  17. After reading "Anansi" my views on cultural preservation changed a lot. Because before I didn't really care about my preserving my culture but after reading, how the stories the woman told in the hold kept the little girl alive makes me think that if I help to preserve my culture the future of my country would be brighter so because of that my attitude towards cultural preservation changed for the better so ill start to preserve my culture for future generations to come.

  18. The story Anansi taught me to appreciate my culture and to love my culture. The African people kept their culture alive by telling stories to people. The people held on to their culture even though they were in captivity. It shows us how important our culture is or any other culture. We have to conserve and appreciate our culture so that generation to come will know about it. I realize how special culture is to me. Our Culture will not be lost and this will prevent it from being forgotten. It will live on and our people will not adopt other cultures. So, after reading Anansi I was touched and it really showed me to be who you are and to appreciate your culture and where you' re from. Sometimes, we are ashamed to say which culture we are from but be proud of your culture.

  19. Through reading Anansi, i have learnt that cultural preservation is key. Our Dominican culture is a special entity that we should know and love. Our culture unifies us as a people and our patois,cultural dances, folk tales and songs are unique and ours, no other country can emulate Dominica’s culture. Through our cultural dances and cultural groups, communities gather and educate the youth on our culture. Through folktales and stories we learn and remember the past, or ancestors and enjoy ourselves. The Creole Patois is something everyone should know about and we should be talking Patois to each other on a regular basis. We should be proud of ourselves to have created our own language, a language indigenous to us West Indians. Yet the amount of young people speaking patois diminishes each year. Our parents and grand-parents often converse in patois and we have no clue of what they are saying. It is our responsibility to find a way to learn patois, learn and dance our cultural dances (bele, quadrille , heel and toe) wear our national dress proudly and listen and pass on folktales to one another in order to keep our culture alive and to be able to preserve the Dominican culture for the next generation of Dominicans. Our culture identifies us as a people and helps us stand out from the crowd, without it we are no different from everyone else and we begin to forget who we are and who we should become.
    We are responsible for culture preservation , here in Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean.

  20. After reading Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi' my views on cultural preservation had changed. Before reading the book I honestly didn't payed attention to my culture, but after reading 'Anansi' it really helped me.
    As we know culture is defined as way of life of the people.Our culture helps us to associate with each other.Without our culture the world would be in as such of hatred.Even though the European had tried all kinds of way to bring the people of Africa down but they had the great power to defend themselves. We should love and appreciate our culture. We should never be ashamed of displaying our culture. Now I can say I love my culture and it means everything to me.

  21. Before reading 'Anansi' i didn't pay much attention to my culture, nor did i think that it was very important. After reading 'Anansi' i have understood the importance of culture preservation. Cultural preservation is the maintaining of ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular people or society. In the play, the African culture is preserved when the West Africans continue to share stories of Anansi to the young children on the ship. Instead of giving up and wishing for death, they decided to keep their culture alive because it was what made them powerful and united.

    Our culture in Dominica mainly comes from Africa. I, as an individual can preserve my culture in many ways, and keep it alive for many generations after me. Learning about the culture, and history if my country is very important when it comes to culture preservation. This given knowledge of the country makes it easy to preserve the Dominican culture and I will also be able to pass on my knowlege of my culture to others around me. I now know that it is better to know about my country and where i cane from than to be oblivious about it. Though at first that i wasn't quite fascinated about it, i have learned to love and appreciate my culture, because my ancestors were strong and brave beings that i am now proud of, seeing that they overcame slavery.

  22. First off, cultural preservation is the action of protecting the ideas, customs and social behavior of a particular people, society or country. During the journey on the ship, it was shown that the Africans were proud of their culture that though they were away from their motherland, they kept their culture alive by singing and sharing stories.

    After reading 'Anansi' my perspective on cultural preservation changed but not a lot since i always cared for my culture. I came to a better understanding of the importance of my culture. I was mainly touched by the woman and the girl interference and it was only their culture that made them overcome the difficult obstacles set before them. It also showed that preserving their culture contributed a major part in the girl's life because at the end she was able to stand on her own and now share her own story. One's culture should be deeply appreciated since it gives us our identity.

  23. First off, cultural preservation is the action of protecting the ideas, customs and social behavior of a particular people, society or country. During the journey on the ship, it was shown that the Africans were proud of their culture that though they were away from their motherland, they kept their culture alive by singing and sharing stories.

    After reading 'Anansi' my perspective on cultural preservation changed but not a lot since i always cared for my culture. I came to a better understanding of the importance of my culture. I was mainly touched by the woman and the girl interference and it was only their culture that made them overcome the difficult obstacles set before them. It also showed that preserving their culture contributed a major part in the girl's life because at the end she was able to stand on her own and now share her own story. One's culture should be deeply appreciated since it gives us our identity.

  24. Before I read anansi i didn't really thought that my culture was so much of a big deal, but while reading it i realized that i have a lot of things about my culture that i should appreciate it more because my ancestors made a sacrifice for us. I can preserve my culture by getting involved in more activities such as learning how to speak patoi , learning how to do cultural dances and teaching it to others and also by telling other people anansi stories

  25. Their culture is what kept the African people together on their long abusive inhumane journey. culture is very important and it is what keeps us united as a people. It gives us a sense of belonging so i think that our culture should be preserved since it is made up of the most touching stories . The middle passage have given me a brighter mind for my future. understanding your culture and where we came from helps us to stand up or ourselves.

  26. After reading the book it impacted me in such a way that I feel that culture should be preserved, especially in my country. When the woman passes on stories, riddle and wisdom to the girl, in order to teach her life lessons so that she (the girl) would be able to face the hard times ahead spoke to my heart. That fact that all the different Africans, considering their horrible environment, in the the hold were still able to share their different traditions, stories and cultures with each other to keep Africa alive in their hearts and minds, to me, is truly amazing. Today's generation should be reminded of where they came from, who they are and who the people of their past lives were. They, the people, were mentally strong Africans who fought hard for their lives and struggled to become the "free" individuals they are today (the term free being used very loosely). Today's generation, in my country, need to understand that they are not American pioneers or European whites. Instead of following their fashion styles, song styles, customs and beliefs they should keep their heads, eyes and attention in their country Dominica. The youth need to pay attention to how unique and amazing Dominica's culture is from all the rest.

    The youth should learn the different dances, such as the belle. I bet not one young child of Dominica today can state with a sure mind what the belle dance represents. The belle dance is a mating dance, in other words, it is a dance of love between a man and woman or a boy and girl. The belle pitche was originally the part of the dance indicating the man trying to get the girl's attention almost flirting. In other circumstances the dancers are trying to show each other their love with elegance and swift movement. The crowd (chantelle) at the back would sing songs to accommodate their dancing to the beat of the drum. The other part of belle is the belle sote which is the joy of marriage where they dance vigorously in joy. Belle is the Dominican form of the hip hop dance.

    Quadrille, Flirtation, Mazouk, and heel and toe are the Dominican style ballroom dances or Texan square dances. The new generation should learn of how the blacks fought against white oppressors for their freedom and the freedom of those to come later in life.

  27. culture is a way of life of a group of people-the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, is very important to the human life. it is what keeps us united. it is something that needs to be cherished and taken cared of.i think we should preserve our culture by learning and practicing the cultural dances, the food, dressing and patois language. we can educate others who do not fully understand our culture, let them know who we are and what our culture means to us. just as the girl, after the woman died she started telling stories as she was taught

  28. After reading Alistair Campbell 'Anansi' my views on cultural preservation has changed. Culture is the arts, customs and ideas of a nation, people, or group, as defined ny the Oxford English Dictionary. Cultural preservation is important because it helps to perpetuate the arts customs and ideas of a nation. By preservation of our culture, our folklore stories were told to children by their parents. The main reason for keeping these folk stories alive ws to remind us of Africa, our beautiful motherland. Another way in which I have attemped to perpetuate my culture is by understanding and learning our traditional dances. Our rich traditional dances are used to educate the youth and brings community all around the island together. It is also a means by which communities are recognized for their achievements and effort at promoting culture.

  29. After reading 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, my views on cultural preservation have been impacted greatly. Reading this play and going along side the characters I have learnt that culture is something that should be kept alive and preserved as it is the key to building and sustaining the bond between people.

  30. Whilst reading Anansi by Alsitair Campbell, I realized how I need to get to hold on and know more about my culture because its what makes up a country and its citizens. Culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Seeing how the Africans took their culture into consideration and used it to give them smiles and joys, it made me feel that I need to know a bit more of my culture so I can grow up in my country knowing about my pass and more about my ancestors to appreciate more of what they did for me to be a healthy and free child in the world today. I would also be able to pass it on to other generations so they can live up to know about what happened in the pass and should be taking consideration of their ancestors. If we do not preserve our culture, we would fail to live up into the way we are supposed to and carry false information. If we do not know the pass, we can’t truly enjoy the future.

  31. I think that i should try to help preserve my culture by learning the cultural dances and learning patois. this book helped me see all what the Africans did for us and how they fought for us. so i should help keep the culture rich by passing it to the next generation.

  32. After reading Anansi it made me realize where the dominican culture really came from the Africans. The stories reminded me that our culture is important and should be carried on to the generations to come. Our culture needs to be more embraced by its citizens in order for it to not disappear before its time. Dominica is slowly losing its strength on its web. I think is should embrace the culture by learning the language and the dances of Dominica for I love my culture.
