Sunday 6 March 2016

Building a Web

In 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell stresses on Community. Identify the symbol he uses in the play to discuss this community. Discuss how community building continues across the Caribbean today.


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  2. In the play, Anansi’s web is the symbol used to refer to their community. Community building in the Caribbean today is everywhere. Since the departure of the Europeans, islands in the Caribbean have claimed their independence and are rebuilding their culture in the community. They do so by organizing symbolic events for the public that touch on the African culture. In schools, students are educated on their cultural history and their ancestors and children are encouraged to learn the cultural dances. Some parents or the older community pass down the creole language to who will listen and shows and plays based on their history are put on to educate tourists or foreigners. Islands are growing and making themselves known through their culture during the tourism season. Islands also support and work with other islands to fund bigger projects and this unity among islands and their people, through their culture, is building up to become a great community.

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  5. The symbol she used to discuss community is Anansi's web. This web is connected to one centre point, just like how the Africans are connected to one centre point which is Africa. During the Middle Passage, the web is built by the sharing of culture. This includes stories, songs and sayings. The people learnt to take comfort in Africa and their unity showcased their strength.

    In the Caribbean today, community building continues in many ways. One way community building continues is by folklore stories. Even today, stories of Anansi are told to children by their parents. This helps to build a community because it gives a sense of identity, history and draws people closer to Africa. Secondly, community building continues by traditional dances. Traditional dances give people a chance to take pride in knowing their culture and helps to build a community. People around the world are learning the Caribbean culture and history when they visit the various Caribbean islands. African culture is showcased in dance and song. When festivals are held, they help to show the Caribbean's proud history and people show their pride of their culture and homeland. A community is being build by the sharing of history and culture.

  6. Alistair Campbell uses a web as a symbol for community in his book 'Anansi'. The web symbolized the unity of the African slaves onboard the boats, sharing stories, songs and culture. Community building is still seen in the Caribbean today because parents, family members and even our elders are still passing down their history to their children. Even two people engaging in a conversation about our history and culture is community building; because they are relating to each other through one central topic. We should encourage community building because if we don't we lose or forget the tie we have to where we came from; wherever that may be. That's why community building is still rampant in the Caribbean today thanks to proud West Indians who tell each other stories from the past, teach others traditional songs, and share many other things which bring us all together as one community.

  7. In the play, 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell uses a web to symbolize a community. The web portrays how the West Africans are in unity in one community. A web has a central point to which all the parts are connected. In the play, the Africans create a strong connection to a central point, Africa. Community building continues across the Caribbean today in various ways. The telling of folklore and folktale continues to keep the culture alive. The African community is building as more generations know the different stories. In Dominica there is a Nature Isle Literary Festival, every year, where the reading of various folklore and folktale takes place. Moreover, the community building continues across the Caribbean by different schools teaching the students traditional dances and language. Some dances that are still being taught are Bele and Heel and Toe. Learning the language, Creole, is also a form of building the community as students get to know what their ancestors spoke in. The teaching of culture also helps community building across the Caribbean.

  8. The author cleverly uses Anansi's spider web to symbolize community. The web links everyone together and even though the threads seem tiny and light, it is extremely strong and resilient. The woman in the play describes the web as,"So light you can barely see it. So beautiful no human being can hope to make one. Strong enough to hunt with, pure enough to see through, always being made again".
    In the Caribbean, we are one big community. The web that connects us is made up of the threads of our common heritage, culture and beliefs. We should pass this down from generation to generation. We, like our ancestors are a strong, resilient people. Our souls are powerful, tough and enduring. We build our community by helping and supporting each other so that we can all continue to grow. We help our neighbours, not just in our own country, but throughout the Caribbean region.
    We also build our community by strengthening our knowledge of our heritage, culture and history. We take pride in ourselves and our achievements and continue to struggle and strive for greater heights as a people and community. Our culture helps unite us a region. This makes us beautiful, strong and pure; like the web!

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  10. In 'Anansi', by Alistair Campbell, a web is used as a symbol for community. A web is connected to a central part. In the play, she writes "I see a web forming in the dark." Meaning that amongst the tragedy in the hold, the Africans can come together, be a unit, and build a web. They become connected with each other. They become one unit, a web, strong together. They are almost building Africa in the hold. It can be seen that they have just enough strength to make it even if they don't see it, it's there. The Africans are connected through their stories. They tell their stories so whoever survives will pass it on.
    Communities are being built today by parents and schools. Parents tell their children the folklore tales. Just like in the hold, they pass the story on. Some parents also teach their children Patois, our native language. In some schools, children are taught cultural dances. For example, the local youth groups that make it their aim to teach children about their culture.
    Communities are built on History, our ancestors. Without knowledge of where we came from or who we are, how can we improve our community for the youth?

  11. In 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, the web was used as a symbol of community. The web symbolizes unity amongst the people and a sense of togetherness. While in the hold the woman shared many Anansi stories with the girl and she began to see a web form in the darkness. The web had a connection with Africa and its people, so that they may unit and become one.
    Community building is still happening in the Caribbean today. Even some Caribbean countries came together to form organizations. Community building could be even strengthened if people get together to share stories,culture such as the dances, different foods and even teach the Creole language to the young people of society; that's how history is passed down from generation to the next.

  12. In Alistair Campbell’s ‘Anansi’, a major theme portrayed is community. ‘Community’ according to the Oxford English Dictionary is defined as a group of people sharing a religion, race or profession. In the play, community is symbolised by a “web forming in the dark”. This representation of community establishes the formation of connections and bonding. On board the ship, the Africans were placed in terrible conditions, as they were packed like ‘books on a shelf’ as described by Thomas Clarkson.

    They were uncertain of where they were heading. It was this web which ensured that everyone was connected to Africa, their homeland. The web was a collection of stories told by the slaves on board the ship. All the stories bore Anansi as their major character, which suggested wit and courage in the face of adversaries. It was these Anansi stories that eradicated the fear of separation from their minds and which made them ‘strong’. The web teaches that a community can never exist without unity. The Akan- originated Anansi stories kept Africa alive in the minds of the slaves. As a result of such connection, one single web was formed which encouraged the unity of the Africans.

    As a result, community plays a vital role in our West Indian society. Community service is deemed an honour in many West Indian islands. The national Community Day of service has ensured that people work together, planting flowers and completing beautifying projects. ‘Koudmen’, or working together has been kept alive among young people today.

    In addition, community is kept alive through the many reunions across the islands. Reunions represent heritage, which is thoroughly symbolised through national wear, traditional dances such as bèlè and the local lingo, otherwise known as French Creole or Patois.

    The spread of folktales such as the beliefs in Soucouyant, Loupgaroos and La Diablesse has also united people. Religion, especially the monotheistic belief in God has even encouraged people to bond.

    Independence has also played a strategic role on West Indian beliefs in community. We have begun to see ourselves as unique people and the effects of slavery on our ancestors have implanted within us a common bond.

    West Indians are also united by their music. Reggae, Spooge, and Calypso have helped West Indians to identify each other and to draw on common themes such as race.

    The festivals celebrated throughout the region have also spurred on a feeling of community in our people. Crop Over and other carnivals are celebrated by West Indians in whatever part of the World they travel such as Toronto and New York.

    The Dominica World Creole Music Festival has also united Caribbean people in the view of Creole music as a major art form. Legendary songs such as those of Bob Marley and Gregory Isaac have lived on and have also helped Caribbean people to identify with each other.

    Furthermore, our West Indian cuisine in ground provision and our agricultural practices show a common theme in our lives.

    In summary, an ever-growing web is being established in our West Indian societies and community is evident in the many aspects of our culture.

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  14. In the play 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, a web or more specifically Anansi's web is used to symbolize community. The web is used because as pointed out in the pay, it was said that the Africans that were taken by the Europeans to be sold and kept in the hold of the boat were joining together as one community to remain strong and to keep the African culture alive. This is similar to a web, all parts of a web are connected and held firmly together by one central point. This method of togetherness has continued up to this day. We have kept our culture alive and have remained strong and fearless because we have kept our culture and heritage with us. We have done this by, passing on our culture and planting the truth of our ancestors' pasts and what they did to bring us the freedom that we enjoy today, into the heads of the future generations. Our community is built upon the foundation of culture and we have succeeded in keeping that alive and well by continuing to celebrate and remember important moments in history such as, a country's date of independence, carnival and folktales. At homes and in school children are taught each day of the importance of community and staying true to their culture. Children are taught to appreciate and respect their ancestors and to continue to pass on to the future generations the importance of staying united as one community and remaining strong in other to keep their culture alive.

  15. In the play the web is used to symbolize unity. With telling stories, singing songs and dancing on a trip that only about half of them were able to survive they were able to create a web that shows how strong they are as a people even in times of distress. Today in modern times they are trying to bring back that kind of unity in many ways. Some include events such as carnival, world creole music festival and the St.Lucia jazz festival which brings the caribbean and other parts of the world together once a year to celebrate each other's culture. For example the super Dominica comic strip contains a superhero from each country showing them work together and fight for each other showing the unity we all dream of having. It shows the web in a different form. Every year when we celebrate commonwealth day or the independence of a country they would tell the stories of how far we came to get where we are to getting one step closer to working together. One other piece of evidence of unity in the caribbean and the reet of the world is tropical storm erika. That storm almost took everything from us and with the strong support and help from everyone we were anle to get clean water,new bridges and all the necessities needed. All this shows how united we can be and how much closer we are to achieving it.

  16. In Alistair Campbell's Anansi, community is shown through the Africans. In this play he portrays the Africans as united and strong people. While everyone was in the hold, some were dying, some had no idea what their future would hold, however no matter what the circumstances were, they still made connections. The Africans were becoming one. They did this by telling stories, singing native songs, and developing their language. They united in the really hard times. I think the Alistair is trying to say that we should unite, as a community, and if the Africans could do it during the times of slavery why can't we?
    The Caribbean today is like one big village. If one island/country is in need of help, they can rely on the other counties/islands for that help. Of course there still can be room for improvement, we can all get along better.

  17. In the play 'Anasi' Alistair Campbell uses Anais's web as a symbol of community. It is said in the book 'Anansi'that the Africabs were taken from Europe and packed on to shios to be sold in The West Indies.The africans were a community , bonding while on the ships. The Africans are united.A community is a group of people sharing similar characteristics. In the Caribbean, community building is still occurring. At homes parents are teaching their children the 'patois' language. There are many clubs and places where the traditional dances such as 'bele' and 'quadrille' are being taught. In schools students get the opportunity to learn their cultural history. Around the Caribbean, each country comes together some way some how. The folklores and other traditional stories are passed down from generation to generation. Through the various festivals people around the Caribbean come together as a community enjoying life together. The common beliefs and heritage of the Caribbean links all the countries together forming a web.

  18. In the play 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, a web is used to symbolize community. A community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. Community building continues today with reunions in the communities, when we lend a helping hand to those in need, when we as a community put aside our differences and come together as one to help build our community for the better and not for the worse. When we stand united and not divided for what is right for our community and not let anyone divide us no matter the problem our community should be like our second family. It was Anansi's web which ensured that everyone was connected to Africa, in the transatlantic slave trade. Community building also continues when the leaders of our countries come together to help each other to become more developed.

  19. The Web signifies the way how the Africans showed Unity and Companionship towards each other. It has parts that are connected, one to the other, from one point to a next point makes up the Web. It is also sticky and invisible. Once you are walking and get stuck into a Web, it would be very hard to get out because it would be all sticky and you would be trapped.Comparing to the Web, we see in the book that in order to build their confidence back, each person told a story to a child so that those children would tell other children and those children would tell other children, so if someone died , then someone else would be able to tell the stories. This is how they became connected to each other. They were trying to build back Africa(their mother country), so the more slaves the Europeans brought unto the ship, the more each slave came back apart of the family again. I think Campbell was trying to tell us to become more United in our country, we all need to know how to care for each other. If we see our partner falling behind, we go to help him/her out. For example, when Erica passed, it affected Dominica in a very bad way. The Caribbean countries heard about this and came to help us. They provided us with food and clothing and hear we are today much better and much more stronger. We need to show more Unity towards each other in times of pain and sorrow.

  20. The symbol used in the Anansi to discuss community is Anansi’s web. Community building continues in the Caribbean today in many forms. The web has a central point that branches out to different sections that are connected by small, thin, strong threads. The central point of the web is Africa, each thread represents the network and connection shared amongst the Africans. A web was being formed in the hold, the hold was dark and it was hard to see, yet a small web could be seen forming slowly; Anansi’s web, and the web that symbolized the connection and unity of the Africans was being formed through telling “Nancy stories” singing and conversing in their own language, a community in the hold where the elders passed on the stories to the younger ones and spoke to them with care and love.
    Here in Dominica, there are many events that promote community building.
    Especially during Independence, there are many activities that take place such as the performances of cultural dances by youth cultural groups, experienced adults participate in storytelling to large audiences in English and Creole Patois. Through Creole in The Park and World Creole Music Festival, Dominicans come together and display their culture through song, dance and choral presentations.
    Community Day of Service also promotes community building, communities come together and work together as a team to beautify and clean up the environment and surroundings.
    Communities are also being built at home and in school, some,a small percentage of parents pass on their knowledge of patois and folktales to their children and their children tell them to their friends in school.
    Mainly through Independence activities and planned activities, Dominicans come together and communities interact and form bonds

  21. In the play 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell a Anansis's web is used to symbolize community. A community is a group of people sharing the same characteristics. A web has a central point I n which all the other points are connected. The Africans even though through all their tragedy. They form a web symbolizing togetherness and unity. Community building still exists across the carribean today in many ways. People (parents,grandparents etc) are still their child ldren folklores keeping the stories, they tell 'Anansi' stories. In cultural groups where they teach the children some of our traditional dances like bele and heel and toe. They even go and teach in schools about our ancestors history and some of is the ven learn our language, creole. That why we must try and keep community building going across the carribean and form a community.

  22. In the play 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell a Anansis's web is used to symbolize community. A community is a group of people sharing the same characteristics. A web has a central point I n which all the other points are connected. The Africans even though through all their tragedy. They form a web symbolizing togetherness and unity. Community building still exists across the carribean today in many ways. People (parents,grandparents etc) are still their child ldren folklores keeping the stories, they tell 'Anansi' stories. In cultural groups where they teach the children some of our traditional dances like bele and heel and toe. They even go and teach in schools about our ancestors history and some of is the ven learn our language, creole. That why we must try and keep community building going across the carribean and form a community.

  23. Alistair Campbell uses a web as a symbol for community in the book entitled "Anansi"

    The way in which the web is structured it is that everything goes to the centre, and the way in which the Africans are they are all connected by one centre point which is their motherland Africa.
    Community buildings continue as stories are passed from generation to generation because parents still give their children the knowledge of these folklore stories. Another way in which community building continues is through culture because through culture (e.g dances songs etc) communities tend to become closer and more united.

  24. Alistair Campbell uses a web as a symbol for community in his book 'Anansi'. The web symbolizes the unity of the African slaves on board the ships sharing stories and their cultures.Even today community building is still processing in the Caribbean. This is because parents tend to tell their children of the passed stories happened back then. In the Anansi story an old woman and a young girl was sharing their culture. The community is said to be important because of the passing of stories from generation to generation. In order for a community to build it has to have the sharing of history and it's culture

  25. Campbell uses the web as a symbol as a sign of community in the Anansi book. It symbolizes the togetherness of the african slaves on the ship. In the caribbean, parents and grandparents often tell their children the anansi stories. The community is important because the stories are passed on. In other for a community to be built the sharing of the past history and cultures should be kept alive

  26. Campbell uses the web as a symbol as a sign of community in the Anansi book. It symbolizes the togetherness of the african slaves on the ship. In the caribbean, parents and grandparents often tell their children the anansi stories. The community is important because the stories are passed on. In other for a community to be built the sharing of the past history and cultures should be kept alive

  27. Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. It shows how to unite together.The story shows that the Africans had a very strong relationship and they would have been by each other side through bad times. They read stories to themselves and to others to keep or stay strong when they are going through bad times. Across the Caribbean, they may not read stories like the African did but they would celebrate different events such as Independents, Carnival and much more. They built a strong relationship among the people like the Africans and the stories told.

  28. In the Anansi author Alistair Campbell uses the "Anansi`s " web as a symbol for community. the web has a central point which branches out to different sections. the central point represent Africa and the smaller sections the communities, villages etc. for example the web was shown in the hold when the slaves were sharing stories amongst themselves. The Africans through all their tragedy, formed a web symbolizing togetherness and unity. Community building still exists across the carribean today in many ways. People are still telling their children these folklores,'Anansi' stories. In cultural groups they teach the children some of our traditional dances like bele and heel and toe. these stories all also passed on today in other areas in history and literature classes.

  29. In the Anansi author Alistair Campbell uses the "Anansi`s " web as a symbol for community. the web has a central point which branches out to different sections. the central point represent Africa and the smaller sections the communities, villages etc. for example the web was shown in the hold when the slaves were sharing stories amongst themselves. The Africans through all their tragedy, formed a web symbolizing togetherness and unity. Community building still exists across the carribean today in many ways. People are still telling their children these folklores,'Anansi' stories. In cultural groups they teach the children some of our traditional dances like bele and heel and toe. these stories all also passed on today in other areas in history and literature classes.

  30. In 'Anansi" the author, Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web to symbolize a community. A community is a group of people living in the same place, sharing common characteristics. The West Africans in the hold are creating a connection to Africa by telling stories and this connects them together. Like a web built by a spider, they are buildung Africa in the hold which is the central point of the web that holds the Africans together.

    Community building continues across the Caribbean as the culture us still being shared in homes, to the rest of the community until it spreads throughout the Caribbean. Parents often urge their children to learn more about their culture, which is common to most Caribbean countries. Especially during the Independence season, these customs are mainky seen. The traditional dances such as belè and quadrille are being taught to children who are expected to pass it on to generations to come. The créole language is also common to some Caribbean countries and is something that unites them as a commmunity. At school, children are taught about their background and importance of their African culture. It is our knowledge of ourself(cultural background) that keeps us united and linked as a community forming a web throughout the Caribbean region.

  31. Throughout the entire play, the web was used to symbolize the community. There was togetherness and unity on board. A web is a network of a central point and fine threads branching off keeping it connected. Community was seen on the ship during the entire journey especially throughout the woman and the girl's relationship. The woman looked out for the girl simply by keeping her soul alive whenever she felt depressed and she did so by telling her stories. Community building continues across the Caribbean countries today because for example, as seen in the picture, St.Lucia is lifting Dominica back to its feet.We experienced this form of unity after TS Erika.Lastly, the lands are also connected by factors such as culture, folk stories, history and language.

  32. In 'Anansi' the author, Alistar Campell, cleverly represents community with a spider's web. The books is based on the transatlantic slave trave, specifically the middle passage. In the middle passage the slaves were in the hold and they shared stories and did not care about where they came from and who they are. For example the girl and the woman in the play. The woman told the girl stories and gave riddles and wisdom for her to move on and survive mentally. Why where the Africans so united? It is because of the web's central point, Africa. Despite coming from diverse groups they were all still Africans.

    Together they fought for their freedom and kept a mental prowess and strength to move on and live. Each generation passed on the traditions and stories of Africa to the next. Eventually after waiting for so very long the Africans were finally freed from oppression and slavery.

    In the modern day Caribbean, many islands are independent from the Europeans' influence and are prospering well without them. Every Caribbean country have its own unique people and culture. Yet, all are connected to one central point and that is Africa. Unity today is not only shown in the context of being connected through Africa, but, also when we as Caribbean people explore our culture we see that communities come closer together. Within a village parents and elders pass on old traditions and stories to the next generation and so the cycle goes on.

    Most countries, if not all, because of the central point, Africa, are common in some ways. Language, for example, is common in many Caribbean countries.

  33. the author Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web as a symbol referring to the community.a community is a group of people sharing the same characteristics. it shows how much the African slaves were in unity with each other and how it helped them. in the Caribbean, community building is still taking place. parents and other family members pass on traditions such as the stories of how life was before, the cultural dances: bele and quadrille, to the upcoming generations to help them understand the importance of culture and unity. just like the woman and the girl in the hold, they pass the stories on.

  34. In the play,'Anansi' Alistair Campbell stresses on community. He uses the anansi web to symbolize their community. He comunity is a goup of people having the same place or having a particular chracteristic in common. The community is referred to as a web because the web begins from a central point. The community begins at a central point which is Africa.

    The community building in todays society can be seen in many ways. Firstly community building starts with the folklore stories. The folklore stories are told to children by their parents, community members and even in their schools by teachers. The folklore stories draw us closer to each other and to our central point Africa. It teaches us to have pride in our own identity. another way community building is seen in our traditional dances. The traditional dances also draws us closer to our motherland, Africa. The traditional dances such as bele,mazouk, quadrille and heel n toe teaches us how to work as a team, coordiation and cooperation.

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  36. In the play, Anansi’s web is the symbol used to refer to their community.In the Caribbean today, community building continues in many ways. Some of these ways being in our various cultural activities such as festivals and national dances that allows us to keep in touch with our culture. Another way being folklore, though they may seem far-fetched, many parents these days still continue to pass on these stories to there children so may get an understanding and relationship with our true roots.

  37. In the play, Anansi’s web is the symbol used to refer to their community.In the Caribbean today, community building continues in many ways. Some of these ways being in our various cultural activities such as festivals and national dances that allows us to keep in touch with our culture. Another way being folklore, though they may seem far-fetched, many parents these days still continue to pass on these stories to there children so may get an understanding and relationship with our true roots.

  38. In Anansi by Alistair Campbell, the symbol he uses in the play to discuss the community is a web. A community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. As the Africans were taken away from their homeland, leaving Africa and some of the weak and elderly there, they suffered terribly by the harsh treatment of the Europeans. Though they were held captive by these disgraceful people, the Africans would always hold their culture and stories close with them. If one perished and suffered, all of them will too, because they had a strong connection with one another and never let one be in pain alone. In the book ‘Anansi’ by Alistair Campbell, he captured the moment on the deck when the Africans were bonding in the dark by sing their songs and told stories to one another to distract them from the fact that they are being ill-treated and slowly dying. They form that web in the dark to show that they are all in this together and they are not alone. They form a strong bond with one another, a bond that cannot be broken or forgotten even if they were influenced by Europeaans, with Africa being their mother and holding them together through the rough time which they went through.

    Community building in the Caribbean has changed from being connected with one another to being ignorant and self-centered and not caring for one another. Nowadays everyone doesn’t really matter if one is struggling or even hurting. They ignore the fact that we are not united like before and we don’t need one another, but when we do need the help from others, they are nowhere to be found because of the lack of unity between us Caribbean people. They don’t realize that our ancestors went through tough times to get us where we are today, being free black people walking around with our head high with no European or white superior telling us that we are not belonged here; we are just beasts and not humans. If they only knew what their ancestors did for them, they would change that lack of unity to connectivity with others and those near us.

  39. Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community and togetherness. it shows whow the people though from different tribes and one and united in all ways. Even today we are still united somehow in some ways. for example, older people tell the young ones stories and superstitions from back then to keep our culture rich.

  40. Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community and togetherness. it shows whow the people though from different tribes and one and united in all ways. Even today we are still united somehow in some ways. for example, older people tell the young ones stories and superstitions from back then to keep our culture rich.

  41. In Anansi by Allistair Campbell, the web was used as a symbol to represent the connection between the slaves in the hold. The web also represents the strong bond between the slaves as they tell each other stories of Anansi to bring happiness to each other's heart. they used the stories so that they can remember their homeland and live in the forest of stories in order to continue living. The web is also an example of the society today. We are still bonding in numerous ways and it is making the web stronger and harder to break down. the more the bonding and happiness increase the better or society will be.

  42. Compare the little girl and boy in it
